Soon I'll be like the woman in the photo. I don't have such nice legs or such a nice smile, and I'm going through a terrible emotional breakup with my hair (the horror), but my joie de vivre should return for good, I'm sure of it!
By the way, I had a great time with this joie de vivre yesterday, thanks to
, , , , , , , , and .My dear friends, I can't thank you enough. We continue our journey together and it's just wonderful. You've all proven to me that no matter what storms come our way, nothing can stop us from writing and sharing our feelings with our readers. So thank you again for being by my side as we sail this new ocean of words.
A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it
― Roald Dahl
I don't know if you've heard about the Chat feature yet. I'm posting the link here so you can find out all about it. I think in a while, when we've published a bit more, we'll be able to organize chat sessions from time to time to interact and "meet" our subscribers. By the way, I'd like to welcome the newcomers!
These future chat sessions will also allow us to discuss topics that are close to our hearts, talk about poetry and poets, and nurture our love of writing. Let me know if you like the idea!
Our new exploration has just begun, but I'm already loving the energy. I hope you do, too. Happy writing, and I look forward to seeing you in the pages of Scribe!
sadly, my hair has been breaking up with me for almost two decades, and it hasn't been pretty. sometimes i wish she would just get it over with and take it all rather than this slow trickle of loss.